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Follow my travels and get insight from behind the scenes as I work my 6 month contract as a Guest Service representative onboard a cruise ship.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Day 7 Sea Day

Oct 16, 2011 23:00
Today was my best day yet. I worked 12-6 and 9-12 which let me have a nice sleep in and finally be good and rested. I had a nice break too where I just sat in crew bar, read my book (The Lost Symbol) and had a cup of coffee.

Today was also my first rough sea day. Is it weird that I like it? If there's no movement I forget that I'm on a boat and that takes the fun out of the whole experience. I especially like it when I'm falling asleep, the sea gently rocks me to sleep. :) Speaking of which I'm going to do just that. Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Is the coffee on the ship as bad as it is on all the other cruise lines I've been on?
